About me

I am an artist and facilitator who works with schools, colleges and other agencies to explore how creativity can be used as a vehicle and platform of expression and discovery.

The focus, planning and reflection I use for producing my own work and also in leading workshops are symbiotic because the inspiration generated by both activities, provide shared benefits. 

I sketch, produce digital drawings, hand and machine stitch, collage, and paint. I find that drawing is the language I use to collect information to then process and develop further.

A huge passion of mine is to explore the ways stitch can be used for making marks as a pen or pencil does. These pieces of work are often presented on pianola rolls where the stitch is used to narrate stories through the holes of musical notation. The musical panorama this canvas supplies takes the viewer on a journey of highs and lows, punctuated by detailed collage of environmental information.

The inspiration behind these works have been varied, including geographical landscapes, urban centres, journeys through China & Mongolia & my allotment. During COVID-19 isolation I focused on where I live, my home, the environments I exist in. This work has evolved into using tapes and different papers to combine collage with stitch.


‘Bus Drawings’ was inspired by journeys on public transport around Birmingham, which is the second largest city in the U.K.

For years travelling by bus has just been a regular part of my life which has fed my interest of observing how people hold themselves and form their personas —stance, dress, accessories etc. I capture each moment with a quick pencil sketch and then work on them digitally later.

Poster 2
Skinny Ankles.

M y work has featured in a digital magazine OUTSIDELEFT.


 These prints are now selling from the Shop page on this site and can be viewed on Instagram: d_rawing_inspiration